Emmanuel Bett

Data Analyst, with knowledge in Data Science and Visualization, I specialize in transforming raw data into actionable intelligence. Step inside to witness the power of data through my projects.

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About Me.


Passionate about turning complex data sets into clear and visually stunning insights, to discover the stories hidden within the numbers.

  • My Skills Are: Python, SQL, Excel, Power BI, Tableau & Statistical Analysis.


Data Analysis

The goal is to answer the right questions that will help the company to make the right decisions. Project duration varies between 2 weeks and 3 months Results are presented in a report with recommendations and follow-up steps.

Data Analytics

The goal is to answer questions like how can we make a recommendation system? Project duration varies between 3 weeks and 2 months. By using statistics, programming and machine learning techniques, I can find patterns hidden in the data.


The goal of a dashboard is to view the most important KPI and results at a glance The development of a dashboard takes 2 weeks to 2 months You will discover the right insights in an easy way.



Financial Complaints Overview

    - Interactive dashboard on Financial Consumer Complaints by using Tableau.
I observed that from 2012 to 2021 total number of complaints filed are 75,513. Disputed complaints are 7,363. Maximum complaints are submitted via web approximately 40k.


Meat Production in Germany

Year-on-year decrease in pork and beef markedly larger than for poultry


Sales Overview

    - The Gitub repository has the .pbix file & SQL code.
- The main goal for this project was to practice data cleansing and transformation in SQL and working with Microsoft Power BI tools.

Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA)

Exploring my MiFit Data

I exported Xiaomi MiBand data, worked with csv data, visualized the data, and I ran two linear regressions. I found that my activity level is independent from how much sleep I get and that I built up a sleep deficit over time.

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